Sunday, April 8, 2018

Getting back in the daily grind- Making Homemade Baby Food

Wow, I can't believe it's been such a long time since my last post! And what a year it's been... My little shop finally reached 100 sales, I've had a baby, my job has been going wonderfully. So I think it's about time I get back on my blog and start posting again.
My son is now 5 months old, and last month he started eating solid foods. I know, I can't believe how big he's getting either. I knew, though, that when I started him on solid foods that I wanted to make his baby food same way I did for my daughter. It's so cheap and easy, and really takes very little time to do it. When all is said and done, it only ends up costing about 10-15¢ per serving! Here's how I do it:

Depending on what is available and how much it costs, I'll either use a bag of frozen veggies or get fresh veggies. This latest batch I used all frozen veggies, each cost 84¢ per bag. Another time, I bought 2 sweet potatoes for $1.10 (they were 98¢ per pound).

For my frozen veggies, I get the steam-in-bag and steam them right in the microwave for about 5 minutes.

Once they're good and cooked, I pour them into the food processor and add some water to help get the right consistency--for things like carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash I add just enough water to almost cover the veggies, while for peas and green beans I'll only cover about half way.

Let the food processor go until you get the consistency you're looking for, depending on how smooth or chunky your baby can handle.

Once it's pureed, transfer the food into an ice cube tray and freeze it overnight. Once it's frozen, you can pop the food out into a zip-top bag to keep in your freezer.

What are some of your favorite ways to save money? Tell me in the comments!
Until next time!

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